Monday, 4 May 2015


This is a little longer than usual, but it's probably the most important thing I've written yet. It might not sound so deep, but please read on.

Jentezen Franklin preached a message titled Dream. You should hear it:

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and forgot, but he knew it was no ordinary dream, so he called his wise men and magicians and said, "The thing is gone from me (I've forgotten my dream): if ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill." (Dan 2:5)

So in Nebuchadnezzar-land, if you didn't get the dream you'd get chopped up and your home would become the home of 'crap', literally. Forgive my vocabulary.

But this happens around us all the time? Divisions in the church, in marriages and families. The man and wife are one flesh so how do you divorce half of yourself? The church is Christ's body, so where's our unity?

If we don't get the dream, the vision of the head (Jesus), we can't fully join ourselves.

One Michael Essel said anything with 2 heads is a monster, so it has 'di-vision' and there will be division.

Everyone is 'relationshiping' so you go with the flow. No vision. Please don't worry someone's daughter. Churches with names that tell you 'God didn't inspire this', please don't attend such a dunghill.

What is our Lord's vision for His church?:
Matt 16:18b...upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Till we understand this, we are cracks in the cement of the church. More on the blog.

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