Solomon was one serious guy.
Money? He was loaded.
Wisdom? Too much.
He built the most glorious temple of his day.
1 Kings 3:12-13 let's us know that in wisdom and riches there was never anyone like Solomon, neither will there ever be anyone like him... So we thank God that our Jesus was not like Solomon, after all he messed up later... As a matter of fact Jesus said of Himself:
A greater than Solomon is here. Matt 12:42
So He was nothing like Solomon... Just greater
(Rosh paa nie)
Money? He was loaded.
Wisdom? Too much.
He built the most glorious temple of his day.
1 Kings 3:12-13 let's us know that in wisdom and riches there was never anyone like Solomon, neither will there ever be anyone like him... So we thank God that our Jesus was not like Solomon, after all he messed up later... As a matter of fact Jesus said of Himself:
A greater than Solomon is here. Matt 12:42
So He was nothing like Solomon... Just greater
So here's today's hype shortly:
Solomon built a glorious temple (good job Solo), but aside from the fact that Solomon himself was made by this our Jesus (Jn 1:3), for every believer you can count who has ever lived, and will ever live, that is one more glorious temple of the Holy Ghost that Christ has built over Solomon's. And the cost of this architecture... The blood of God's own Son. My friend in the Lord, you are expensive!!! Only a Greater than Solomon could pay for you.
Solomon built a glorious temple (good job Solo), but aside from the fact that Solomon himself was made by this our Jesus (Jn 1:3), for every believer you can count who has ever lived, and will ever live, that is one more glorious temple of the Holy Ghost that Christ has built over Solomon's. And the cost of this architecture... The blood of God's own Son. My friend in the Lord, you are expensive!!! Only a Greater than Solomon could pay for you.
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