Let's work with imagination here...
You are killing a goat...maybe sheep... OK any livestock, but preferably a sheep. The poor thing is bleeding. You pity it but this has to be done. Now imagine you had a son (an only son) it was him in place of that sheep. I bet your imagination just got messed up, or maybe you didn't have the mental strength to continue.
Guess what, it's moments like that in which a father of faith can be produced. Good ol' Father Abraham. He did that to his son in his mind when God asked him to. Isaac was as good as dead, just not physically because God stopped it. Personally, if you ask me (but no one is asking me so...), I thought Abe was a big meanie (don't get angry with me)... But then, God did that for me with His Son and I call it love, grace, not because I want to, but because that is what it is: pure unadulterated LOVE. So reverse roles and Abraham was that close to loving God like God loved him... Like God loves us.
There's a price to pay to be called God's friend. Leave everything you hold dear to Him, your very self even, because guess what, love isn't always pretty. Sometimes it's bloody all over and comes with 3 nails and a cross (and the occasional spear-in-side). But the Lord of love will reward. Bless you.
Inspiropera 2015
The Glory Of His Grace
CCB Auditorium, KNUST
This Easter Saturday, 4th April.
5pm sharpest!!
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