Friday, 17 April 2015

Story of Grace


I have a story... It's not so long, I'm just 20 you see. You do too. Everyone who's part of humanity does.
For every body in a fridge at the morgue, they have a story too... which hasn't ended.
Because the story they had before death was just the foreword.

Eternity is the real story. So maybe their intro was awesome, and they had it all... Maybe it sucked and they were a thief on a cross. But that all doesn't matter, because it's just that: an intro - a book cover if you will.

Here's the secret, when you stop writing yourself and you hand over the pen to the One who says history is HIS story... It doesn't matter how bad you messed up the foreword. There's a whole eternity of the sweetness of God's presence waiting to be written out for you... Ask the thief on the cross. It's called GRACE.

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