Thursday, 9 March 2017


The rumours were true... He was actually in town!! Her heart began to beat faster, but in a good way, she wasn't necessarily scared... Nervous? Yes. But even more, she was excited. There was just something about this Jesus fellow. Something... divine. Somehow she knew He loved even her.

She stole across the street to the Pharisees house. Her jar in her hand: a whole year's wages was the worth. A whole year of prostitution, promiscuity, dishonest gain bottled up in a jar of perfume, yet that was all she had to give.

But wait..."He didn't come for me", she thought, "He came for dinner." 😧 A slight pause, and then she sang her anthem, "Maybe He ain't coming for me... but He's come anyway."

With a deep breath, and before she could convince herself to turn back, she rushed in and broke the jar at His feet. Overwhelmed by His weird heavenly aura she broke down crying. She began to kiss His feet. Never have feet been so well-kissed 😘. Somehow it was her greatest joy to kiss those feet. The tears wouldn't stop 😢. Oh dear, what a wet mess she'd made... How would she clean His feet. Aha! She'd use her hair!

(Note to ladies, it wasn't a weave, Brazilian was not yet in Vogue)

The Pharisee complained, Judas Iscariot objected, but it was all worth it when she looked up and saw Jesus smiling down at her.

Luke 7: 48  And He said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.

Forgiven?! 😱 I knew You could heal the sick and I heard You walked on water... You forgive sins too?! Even mine?! Yet deep down her spirit affirmed, and she knew it was true. Her desperation had been met with forgiveness. In just one moment...
To be continued...

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