Monday, 20 March 2017


At some point in everyone's life, we can all relate to this.

Mark chapter 2 and Luke chapter 5 talk of a paralyzed man. A hopeless man. But let's forget about him. 😮
Let's focus in his friends. 😊
All eyes on Luke's account from here on.

The last line of Luke 5:17 says: ...and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

How these guys knew from outside that there was a healing grace in that room, I have no idea. But they knew it. They just believed: if we can just get our friend into that room, something will happen.

But the room was full and surrounded by a multitude. There was no way in... Much less, with a mattress. But desperate people (the really desperate ones) don't know how to give up.

So here's what the guys did. Are you ready? OK, here goes:
They. Climbed. The. Roof.
You read that casually didn't you? 😏
Sunday school made some of us trivialize this amazing feat.

Let's review. They found a way to lift a mattress with an immobile person on it all the way to the top of a roof. Maybe they used ladders, maybe they used ropes, maybe they used both. But whatever the case they lifted a man onto a roof (without dropping him), they took the center of the roof apart, tile by tile, and lowered the man down into the room. This is boy scout engineering of some sort.

The people around probably thought, "You're not more important than us". They probably felt cheated because someone was crossing the line.
The house owner probably yelled, "Get off my roof! You'll pay for that!". I bet he was regretting hosting the meeting in his house right then.
Maybe the disciples were whispering, "These guys don't have any respect... disrupting our service like this".
Even the guy on the mat might have thought, "I know my friends can be silly, but this is madness".

Well... Whatever. But Luke 5:20 says: WHEN HE SAW THEIR FAITH ... All Jesus saw was faith! Not a ruined roof. 😃
He didn't even look at the sick man's faith. He looked at the faith of his friends. (And there you were thinking your choice of friends is not important. 😏)

But can you be that friend? The one who will rip a roof apart for the sake of your friend's healing? The paralyzed man was forgiven and healed there and then... but not because he was full of faith, but his friends had faith on his behalf. His friends got desperate. They would not put up with his condition even if he would. They cared enough to carry him when he couldn't walk. They allowed him to borrow their faith!

Now it's true, you can't carry someone forever, but while you can, remember, one day they might carry you. We need to cover each other.

So here we end The Anthem of the Desperate. Maybe He is not coming for you, but He's coming anyway.
Faith born of desperation.
Go and do likewise.

Friday, 17 March 2017


Hannah: the mother of the prophet Samuel - A man whose words did not fall to the ground. I usually assume that to mean this: if Samuel called you stupid by mistake, you were as good as stupid from then onwards. I might be wrong, but oh well... Whatever the case, he was Samuel! God's P.R.O. to Israel, the man who anointed David, and his words were not toyed with.

But there would not have been a Samuel if not for Hannah.
Hannah was barren. She had a loving husband. They weren't poor as far as we know, but still, she couldn't have a child and she was desperate for one. What was even worse was the fact that her husband's other wife had children, and she wouldn't shut up about it. You know those folks? Those who just loooooove to rub it in...

But you see, the discomfort she felt from her rival is the reason we had Samuel. (Some enemies are rather necessary).
When she couldn't bear the provocation any longer, she got up and went to pray. I mean really pray. She didn't shout. She didn't scream. Her lips gave out no sound. But I dare say the prayer of an earnest heart is far louder in the corridors of Heaven than most of our religious shouting.
(By all means, shout if you must while you pray... But if it's not from your heart, please, spare us)

Hannah's story is longer and more elaborate than I can share in this short post, but here's something of interest: Hannah means Grace.... And so??
And so Grace will not let your enemies laugh at you forever. Grace will not allow a child of God to remain under oppression. Grace will birth for you a promise greater than you asked for. You may be looking for a child... Grace will give you a Samuel to bless a whole Israel.

How desperate are you? How desperate is your heart? Don't tell me... Tell our Father.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


By nature dogs are carnivores. You don't need 44 teeth to eat a salad. But if you've ever had a dog then you know, they'll eat anything you give them. Even gum. I actually once saw a stray dog seemingly chewing grass.
(It's either my imagination was hyperactive or that dog was just darn hungry)

Now here's a story of a Canaanite woman in the Bible (Matt 15:21-28), who in my opinion deserves an award for never giving a hoot.

Let's put ourselves in her shoes real quick:
So your daughter is not sick (you could handle that one with drugs), it's even worse... she's possessed! The real horror movie deal. Here comes a guy who claims He came to set the captives free. You cry out to Him, you beg Him to do something, heck you call Him Lord! He doesn't mind you, not even a little bit. His disciples are even sacking you like you don't respect yourself or something. And when the dude finally opens His mouth, this is what He has to say, "I came only for the lost sheep of Israel". Hold up, hold up... So He's racist or something? ... Bruh, sis, think about your reputation. You'll try someone else who cares a bit more, won't you?

Not this lady. Next thing we know she's worshipping Jesus (sigh). Then Jesus said, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs". Say whaaaaaat?!😱 So now I'm a dog?😲 If I was the woman, this is where I'd lunge for Jesus' throat. If you won't help me don't insult me! I'm a crazy mother, remember?

But this woman... Oh this woman. She said, "Even the dogs eat the crumbs from their Master's table". She agreed?! She was cool with being called a dog for her daughter's miracle? She was basically saying: true, I don't deserve this miracle based on whatever standards you have, but I'm not leaving here without it either way. Call me whatever name, I just want my miracle.

(The following text is highly paraphrased, if you are allergic to paraphrasing, open your own Bible alright)
Matt 15:28 -
Jesus looked around and almost yelled, "Y'all just hear that? 😃 That's some mad faith right there! Lady, you just won yourself a miracle. Your daughter's free."

Heaven knows Jesus didn't come for her, but God has this character where He can't let a good moment of faith go to waste. And that's how a little girl got her freedom. Because a desperate mum cried out to the only One who could save her, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. Now that's a dog determined to eat bread.

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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

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Monday, 13 March 2017


The thing about Bartimaeus is that a lot of us refer to him like his first name was "Blind". I'm pretty sure it took some of you a while to realize it's Blind Bartimaeus I am referring to. 😏

And isn't it sad, that the easiest way to identify a man was by his hopeless condition?

But you know, we can relate if we'll be honest with ourselves. You might be Ugly Betty (pun intended), or Broke Fred, Slutty Nancy, Jeff the Drunkard... not necessarily because your state is hopeless, but because people just love to tag others in the areas they are not failing themselves. I think it's a natural silly attempt at making ourselves feel better. A way to feel self-righteous because others "sin different" (in the words of Andy Mineo).

Back to Blind Bartimaeus. This dude did two, no, three things I love to begin with... We'll see shortly.
So Jesus was passing (once again, He was going His way, Bartimaeus was not on the agenda that day), and this happened:
Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

You can't keep a desperate man down (unless of course you are even more desperate to do so, but let's leave that work for the devil). 
So first, he heard... open your ears to hear, and your heart to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Don't let a move pass you by.
Then he cried out... he desperately called out to the One who could help him. Notice, the people tried to put him down. They tried to shut him up. They almost stole his miracle. The man was within minutes of seeing again and these religious, bossy know-it-alls thought he was making noise.
Brother, sister, we don't know your problems like you do... not every opinion is important. What did the blind man do? He damned their warnings and cried out all the more!!

Ei! So you don't respect the anointing eh? You don't have any regard for order? You think He has time for you? Do you even think you deserve what you are asking for? 
My dear, all I know is: I WANT TO SEE! If you can't help me, I'll cry out to the One who can... And cry out he did!

So the Bible says that Jesus stopped and called him. And those hypocrites said, “Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.” So now you know He's calling me? 😏

Then Jesus asked him, “What do you want Me to do for you?”... and the rest is history. (Just remember not to ask for a girlfriend when you need your sight 😬)
Maybe He's not coming for you, but He's coming anyway!

Saturday, 11 March 2017


So I hear the movie Twelve Years a Slave is really nice. I wouldn't know, I haven't seen it. 😂

But here's the Bible's version:
There were no tarred roads in Jerusalem, I mean c'mon, it was just around AD 30, give or take a few years, but someone was on her knees crawling through the dirt... ducking between people's legs, probably getting her hands trod on occasionally by the jostling crowd. Her target, the hem of a garment. Her reason, well, let's just say she couldn't take it anymore.😑

Can you imagine what it's like to bleed for 12 whole years? Soiling your favourite clothes consistently... for 12 years. Shooing the flies... for 12 years. Shying away from public appearances... for 12 years. Being weak, possibly anemic and maybe even passing out occasionally... for 12 years.

Let's put it in perspective:
If she was to meet Jesus today, 11th March, 2017, that would mean she started bleeding when George Bush was president of America and J.A. Kuffuor was president of Ghana. It would mean she started bleeding the year Carrie Underwood won American Idol. She started bleeding before anybody had an idea who Justin Beiber was. She started bleeding before Android phones and before some of us ever had a meaningful crush. (Now that's a lot of bleeding.)

But this is the one that my mind can't handle... She started bleeding when Jesus was about 21 years old, maybe younger. Her problem was at least 4 times older than Jesus' ministry!

Let's take a quick detour, remember the lame man by the pool of Bethesda? He was there 38 years... His problem was older than Jesus!! 😱 I'm glad to announce to you, Jesus don't give a hoot how old your situation is, He can fix it!

Back to the bleeding lady tho. Enough was enough and she wasn't taking it no more. Somehow, she pushed her way through to the center of the crowd, right to the Master's feet.
Jesus hadn't come for her (He came for Jairus' daughter)... but He'd come anyway.
She saw her opportunity. Like Micah Stampley's "Desperate People" she pressed in. One touch, not even of the Man, just the hem of His robe.. and this is what happened:

Mark 5:29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. 

Just like that, she was no longer a slave to disease and infirmity. Another win for desperation. What's your excuse?
Watch out for the next one...

Thursday, 9 March 2017


The rumours were true... He was actually in town!! Her heart began to beat faster, but in a good way, she wasn't necessarily scared... Nervous? Yes. But even more, she was excited. There was just something about this Jesus fellow. Something... divine. Somehow she knew He loved even her.

She stole across the street to the Pharisees house. Her jar in her hand: a whole year's wages was the worth. A whole year of prostitution, promiscuity, dishonest gain bottled up in a jar of perfume, yet that was all she had to give.

But wait..."He didn't come for me", she thought, "He came for dinner." 😧 A slight pause, and then she sang her anthem, "Maybe He ain't coming for me... but He's come anyway."

With a deep breath, and before she could convince herself to turn back, she rushed in and broke the jar at His feet. Overwhelmed by His weird heavenly aura she broke down crying. She began to kiss His feet. Never have feet been so well-kissed 😘. Somehow it was her greatest joy to kiss those feet. The tears wouldn't stop 😢. Oh dear, what a wet mess she'd made... How would she clean His feet. Aha! She'd use her hair!

(Note to ladies, it wasn't a weave, Brazilian was not yet in Vogue)

The Pharisee complained, Judas Iscariot objected, but it was all worth it when she looked up and saw Jesus smiling down at her.

Luke 7: 48  And He said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.

Forgiven?! 😱 I knew You could heal the sick and I heard You walked on water... You forgive sins too?! Even mine?! Yet deep down her spirit affirmed, and she knew it was true. Her desperation had been met with forgiveness. In just one moment...
To be continued...


'Desperate' is not a word anybody likes to be called, yet desperate people shock themselves with the things they are able to do and the extents they go to in their desperation. It's just like Micah Stampley said in that song, "Desperate people do desperate things", and frankly, it's not all bad.
Even God, desperate to restore us to Himself (oh, what won't love drive you to do?), came down to suffer and die!

History and the Bible are littered with the stories of people who found their miracles in their desperation. It's easy to read their stories in a single breath... forgetting that before their situations turned around, they didn't wake up that morning knowing what was going to happen later in the day! The same way you are not aware of the miracle coming your way! They were taking it one day at a time... just like you right now.

Let's take some time to look at the stories of some of these 'heroes of desperation'. Those whose spirits sang this anthem when they heard about Jesus:
Maybe He ain't coming for me... but He's coming anyway.

The people who could squeeze miracles out of the seemingly ordinary by virtue of their desperation and faith.

I won't make you wait long 😉
We start this afternoon. May you be spurred on to Holy Desperation.