This is one of those ones where I have to lay a foundation.
We all know Adam... The first man... Gardener of Eden, lol.
Abeg, he was a lot more than a gardener. He was God's prized possession and chief of His creation.
Anyways, so the ever-wise God said, "It's not good for the man to be alone, I'll make him a helper". (Gen 2:18)
Long story short, women came onto the scene. Wonderful Eve... NOT Steve. Adam was like 😍. I bet she was hot 😏, but that's a story for another day.
So after the woman shows up, a few verses later, we meet the snake. The snake never minded Adam until the woman came along... Then he went and started asking her strange questions:
Did God really say don't eat any fruit in this garden?
Then trying to defend, rationalize and sound smart Satan chatted her into sin.
Today he asks:
Did God really say kissing before marriage is a sin? Did God really say having a bae is not the way?
Sound familiar? That voice does not deserve an answer. Don't give Satan attention. Concentrate on pleasing your Jesus.
I'm just warming up, hehehe.
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