Sunday, 14 February 2016

LOVE... A Timeless Message

I wrote this last year, but guess what,  the truth never changes. God bless y'all. Jesus is...

I've been waiting to write this one...
L-O-V-E... Most abused word ever if you ask me. How guys throw it at the girls, sometimes genuinely, most times, not, because in this corrupt world and age, they seek a reciprocation from somewhere between the legs (hard fact, deal with it).

So what really is love? Like one friend said, "Wrong question. You mean: Who is love?"
1 Cor 13...
Patient, kind, not vain, humble, seeking not His own, rejoicing in truth, never failing.
Characteristics of one Man in all aspects. God is Love. Jesus, is the embodiment of love.
Because when the Son of God leaves the throne to live 33 years of humanity, ensure whips that ripped His back up and take 3 nails in His flesh, just to carry your lies and fornication among others, just so you don't go to hell, and without pay... That's LOVE.
*a condom cannot protect you from sin's consequences
*the wages of sin have not changed


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

THE LAST EVE - part 3

THE LAST EVE - part 3
What does it mean to be the bride of Christ? I was surprised when as I was listening to a sermon by Prophet Edem Julius Cudjoe I found the answer.

Proverbs 31.
Apparently it's not just a template for the ideal woman. It's a picture of God's ideal church.

Pick your Bible and read from verse 10 to 31. Everywhere you see the woman, think about the church, or better still, yourself. And any reference to her husband becomes Christ. I pray you see what I see in there.

But I'll touch on verse 23:
 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
I received this in that same meeting... Eve, you have to make your Adam known in every 'gateway' to society: the classroom, the workplace, the basketball court, the cinema... If it's a place it's included.

And if it is true that behind every great man is a great woman, then behind our great Christ should be a great church.

*This is dedicated to my inspiration for writing... Happy Birthday Elsie 😊 to the moon and back 😘*


Friday, 5 February 2016


So where was I?
Ahaa, the deceptive voice... We got that part ryt? Good. If you are lost,  check the previous post at

So why's this called the Last Eve? Simple answer really. It's because of the last Adam.
1 Corinthians 15:
45  And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit
47  The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

Jesus came as only the second ever perfect man, to live the life the first should have lived. So if the first Adam's bride was the first Eve,  allow me to call the last Adam's bride the last Eve. Fair? U get it?
Well I've done it anyway. 😝

So who's this bride? I mean, to be Jesus' bae u've got to be extra-o right? Ephesians 5:22 downwards shows us that this bride is His church, of whom you are a member if you belong to Jesus. Yeah,  we're awesome lydat 💁

Dear believer, you form a part of the last Eve. So you have to watch out for serpents in the garden. The devil has deceptions tailor-made for you... But don't worry, I'm still not done 😏
I'll be back.

Thursday, 4 February 2016


This is one of those ones where I have to lay a foundation.

We all know Adam... The first man... Gardener of Eden, lol.
Abeg, he was a lot more than a gardener. He was God's prized possession and chief of His creation.

Anyways, so the ever-wise God said, "It's not good for the man to be alone, I'll make him a helper". (Gen 2:18)

Long story short,  women came onto the scene. Wonderful Eve...  NOT  Steve. Adam was like 😍. I bet she was hot 😏, but that's a story for another day.

So after the woman shows up, a few verses later, we meet the snake. The snake never minded Adam until the woman came along... Then he went and started asking her strange questions:
Did God really say don't eat any fruit in this garden?
Then trying to defend,  rationalize and sound smart Satan chatted her into sin.
Today he asks:
Did God really say kissing before marriage is a sin? Did God really say having a bae is not the way?

Sound familiar? That voice does not deserve an answer. Don't give Satan attention. Concentrate on pleasing your Jesus.

I'm just warming up, hehehe.
Part 2 loading...

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

A Thousand Ways To Die


Proverbs 14:12 (KayO translation 😏)
There is a way which seems right to a man,  but at the end are a thousand ways to die.

The problem is this: the way we want to walk looks fine. It seems so good...  And if you actually decide not to tread it,  you might never actually know what was waiting for you at the other side. You might think missing that road was missing an opportunity when you were actually swerving death in all forms.

So how do we make sure to miss our thousand ways to die? It's actually pretty simple logic: we take the One way we are sure about... Jesus said in John 14:6:
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I mean, really, why do we live like we don't know the One who holds the future?
Bill Gates can do a lot more with a windows computer than your average person. Zuckerberg can do more with Facebook than me.
Based on similar reasoning, D.L. Moody asked a very sensible question we should all answer: