Saturday, 31 December 2016


Imagine with me for a moment that we were ants crawling on the Mona Lisa.

From a human standpoint it's a beauty... Da Vinci had to be a genius to paint something this immaculate (if you don't appreciate art, assume it's a selfie 😂). Now back to your mind's eye, where we're tiny ants crawling along this painting (or selfie), what do you think you'd see?

The right answer is patches of grey and brown and... weeeeeeell, bottom line is it would be a whole lot less impressive, 'cos a fraction of the Mona Lisa is just that - a fraction, a few unimpressive brush strokes.

But guess what, you can't see everything from where you are. You need to look from where He's sitting, and you need to realise even then, He's not done painting...

Happy New Year. I pray you enjoy the next few brush strokes, and I pray you begin to see things from God's higher perspective... Because He's drawing a beautiful picture, and you're in it 😊
Your 2016 messes were just a few brush strokes of a masterpiece.

Sunday, 25 December 2016


Post #101 😊

Psalm 118:24  This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Today, like yesterday and the day before is a day the Lord made. Every day is made by Him. Doesn't matter if it is World Whatever Day, it was still made by Him. So maybe Jesus wasn't really born today, (There's actually only a 1 in 365 chance that he was), but so what, it's still a day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.

But on this day we choose to remember that a Child was born, Jesus the Christ, and the World has never been the same since. Even the angels couldn't shut up about it 😏

So Merry Christmas. A Saviour was born... on a day the Lord made 😉

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


This year has been educative. The 2 greatest lessons I've learnt are when to shut up and to avoid comparing myself with others... but that's just by the way. Also by the way: hopefully I'll be sticking around a lot longer with my writings from here on out.

Back to business. Yesterday was sweet. It's nice to know you are loved, and I think it's a feeling every Christian should know and feel everyday of the year. It's something my friend, Elton, taught me just last week: GOD IS FIGHTING LONELINESS.

No believer should ever allow himself to become lonely. Even God is 3 persons in 1, and the first thing He said was not good was Adam's loneliness.

I believe one of the greatest gifts God gave us in salvation was this huge family we call the church. Not Methodists, not Pentecostals, I mean the Church, not the organized brokenness we call denominations.

You see our walk with God should be personal, but not private... Check and see... you commit your worst sins when you are alone, when nobody knows what's up with you, when you creep into your own dark corner.
1 Peter 5:8 says Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Predators always attack the stragglers, and the lonely person is the one who has allowed himself to be separated from the flock.

PS. If you are one of those people complaining about the people in the body being unfriendly or carnal or waleva, it's simple: Be the change you want to see 😋

Friday, 12 August 2016

Imminent Victory

Check out this story: from Flipboard.                                   So I'm watching God's Not Dead 2 and I'm totally diggin' it.
No spoilers today... Get it and watch it. But it's sort of in line with this true event I'm sharing.

God is writing this awesome story, and the end is happy. Time to pick a side because they may win the battles now, but boy O boy O boy, we'll win the War. After all, the end is written.


Atheists receive $41,000 after sheriff’s office posts Easter message on Facebook page

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


One day I spoke to a Muslim guy. I was trying to explain why our good works can't save us and why we need to accept Jesus' sacrifice.

I remember asking him, "If you had a daughter who did something wrong and some people wanted to kill her, and you had the means to save her (although she's guilty), would you save your daughter? "

His answer shocked me, and I quote, "No, she deserves it". I was like 😨
It's either this guy hadn't gotten into much trouble before or he was talking like that because he didn't have children... or maybe he was just a mean guy lydat. Would never have guessed from his face tho.

You see, we thank God that He's not human, and that even when He came as a man He wasn't like that guy. If you think God wouldn't show mercy to a person who deserved death, ask the adulterous woman, ask the thief on the cross, ask the prostitute who poured her perfume at Jesus' feet. There's one word for this nature of God: MERCY. God is merciful.

And it becomes nothing short of stupid and prideful (truth hurts huh), when we won't accept the gift given so freely, Jesus' perfect life for our imperfect lives. Doesn't make sense? You should see what guys do for love... God simply outdid us.

Here's a news flash, it's not the fact that your good outweighs your sins which qualifies you for heaven, if there's any sin to measure with at all, you've failed, you qualify for hell.
But there is a way out, only One Way. Don't be proud, don't be silly, you're not strong enough. See, you are just not good enough... I'm talking chaw... Accept Jesus' sacrifice, you can thank me in heaven.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


During my last days in SHS in Achimota School, I believe I prayed more than I studied. Oh I studied, but I praaaaayed. I'm not saying you didn't pray if your story is different, but you can start a blog and tell us about if you are up for it.

But nah, think about it oo, the results which took the overall WASSCE best spot that year in that school belonged to me. And that was the first and only academic award I ever took in that school. I had 2 A's in my last mock and my dad actually told me he was worried after he saw my last mock results. I sure didn't get 8 A's from studying alone.

I remember during the Biology section A paper when I almost audibly heard, "C", after I whispered to God that I was confused. I checked after and C was the right answer, FYI.

I could attach my result slip to this post, but some would call it bragging. (If I wanted to brag tho, I would have done this three years ago).

The purpose of all this talking is to let you know, there is power in prayer and it's real, because we pray to a real God who can do really wild and crazy stuff. This post is not my most elegant, it's not the funniest, in fact I'm being tempted to attach the result slip now 😂.
I won't even add a verse because you know your Bible tells you to pray. So just take God's Word for it, and believe me when I say prayer moves God's hand.

This is elderly advice from a very young man.

Friday, 29 July 2016

The battle is not yours

The business of life as a programmer has forced me to become a vehicular writer... Now I'm only able to write in troskies and taxis if I'm not writing code.

Should a 21 year old be this busy? We'll debate that another time. But for now, let me tell you what is arguably my favorite story in the Bible. I'm sure I've written on it before...
2 Chronicles 20:15-24
Judah (Judah means praise) had a battle, and God told them to stand still and see His salvation. So the next day they woke up and took a choir to war!! [and a band too... I get vim😂]

Now we all know... No one takes a choir and a band to war... and actually wins, I mean, seriously. Well, tell that to God.
Here's what's even crazier... Are you ready?
It's happening all over again next week Saturday, 6th August @ Winners Chapel Ghana, Industrial Area - Avenor. The choir is ready, the band is ready (of course I'm playing) and it makes more sense to experience it yourself than for me to give you a recap later.

Come let's praise our troubles away. The battle is not yours, the battle is the Lord's. 🙌

Tuesday, 26 July 2016



The two words I heard inside me one day in God's presence. One thing was sure, it meant I wasn't ready. Maybe I still am not.

What am I not / wasn't I ready for? That's the part I'm not sure about. But I realized, I'm not ready for a lot.
I'm not ready for God to have His way all the way in me, I'm not ready to lose all for Him, I'm not ready to carry the weight of certain blessings, I'm not ready to date, I'm not ready to even meet Him I realized.
I mean I want to, but desire is not preparation...

Not that I won't make it to Heaven, Jesus settled that with His blood... But I'm not done with all He's asked me to do yet, that kind of not ready.

Success is the collision of preparation (readiness) and opportunity, any delay in either and we'll miss it. There's an explosion coming, there's a move of the Spirit coming and it's so strong.
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a prophet... You be there and miss it. God is about to shake things oo. I'm getting ready, slower than I should😳, God help me. You should get ready too.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


This past week, I've ended speaking to quite a number of old friends. It's nice you know, all the nostalgia and the sharing of memories... But they are just that, memories. They only exist in your heart and mind now.

I realised something, they've changed. I've changed. In one way or another we are not the same. Some have made and are making bad decisions, just a few of us are still single, some hung on to God, some not so tightly... The changes are vast, some of us don't even share the same interests anymore. In some cases, it's just sad chale.

But I know a Man. The Bible says He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's the only friend who hasn't changed all these years. Not even a bit. Give His friendship a chance if you're not already His friend. You won't regret it... ever. I know I don't. He's still the same.

Thursday, 30 June 2016


(In honour of the greatest man in KNUST, Fritz Quaye... Happy Birthday)

Acts 1:
21  "...Thus one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time the Lord Jesus associated with us,
 22  beginning from his baptism by John until the day he was taken up from us – one of these must become a witness of his resurrection together with us."

These were the requirements for choosing a new apostle, the highest office in the New Testament, and all that they were searching for was Faithfulness: who stuck with us from beginning to end?
Not, who preaches best or dresses best or gives most. Who has been faithful?

Verse 23: And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
(They didn't even tell us this dude's nickname mpo na his surname like the other guy).

But see this, they found 2 faithful guys in a room of 120 people, and verse 24 says God decided based on their hearts.
We never heard of Matthias till this point, but what was his secret to rising? Simple: HE WAS THERE. Any place Jesus went, anything he ever did, from raising Lazarus to pushing over tables in the market, he was there... And the rest was the state of his heart, which only God saw.

This one is longer than usual, but just to say, there is a reward for faithfulness with your heart in the right state. So hang tough Matthias, your time's coming. You will be announced by the Father Himself.

Monday, 27 June 2016



One series I've found myself watching over the last two years is The Flash. Those people can lie papa. But it's interesting nonetheless. If you haven't seen the end of season 2, here's a spoiler alert. Doesn't mean you should stop reading tho, lol.

OK, so the villain, Zoom, kept doing this thing where he'd run so fast he'd meet himself in the future. It's messed up theoretical physics. (Don't bother trying to swallow... Man will never time travel.)
Anyway, so one version of him is considered stable and the other is called a 'time remnant'... an old copy. He kept killing his time remnants. And he told The Flash, "You'll never win till you can kill your time remnant".

I was surprised to find that bit of truth in all those lies. Because we'll never win till we kill our time remnants.

Colossians 3:5(NLT):
So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you (the old man) . Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don't be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.

Kill the old man that has caught up with you from your past. That's the only way we'll win.

Double Double

(To the soldiers at the front lines)

Back in high school I attended a camp for scripture union leaders. Back then, Uche had released a song: double-double. The song just declares that we are blessed 'double-double'.

I remember one of the camp officers told us the song was not biblical... and for sometime I believed it. Then one day I saw this verse, a promise to God's people:
    Isaiah 61:
7  For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.

Child of God, what have you suffered? God will give you double for your trouble.

Don't give up now kraaa.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

The worship library

Almost every (if not every) programming language has something called a library.
I won't bore you with the details, but it just means someone has done some of the hard work for you and you can use their library to do more complex work easily.

That's what a song is in worship. A set of beautifully crafted words intertwined with a melody to gladden the Father's heart. And all you have to do... is mean them.

So sing a song to the Father today. Mean every single word. Gladden His heart and feel Him draw nearer.

I'm still around...

Thursday, 10 March 2016



I know you've missed me
So this quote has been around for a while:
"The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth until you fall in love. Then the 'foolishness' starts..."

It's funny, yet sort of true. Those who have fallen in love before will tell you how you just get all crazy about the person. They are your waking thought and three last thing on your mind (and whatsapp chat list) before you sleep. Then there are the birthdays and anniversaries and Val's days and days nights and... (OK, I'm preaching theory so pls refer to a grabbed person and verify wai. But you get the picture.)

Now if you are a guy, I've just described multiple avenues for you to lose money. But chale, if what you feel is real, your heart doesn't care about your pocket.

Now hear this: God will not be outdone by any man. For this reason, when God decided that we were going to be the primary objects of his love, He gave what no man can ever give his lady...
John 3:16
For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave His ONLY begotten Son...

Ei, wait, ONLY... SON... now that's a God who's MADLY in love with you. MADLY... and don't you forget that. There's a story of a bloody cross and an empty tomb to prove it.


Sunday, 14 February 2016

LOVE... A Timeless Message

I wrote this last year, but guess what,  the truth never changes. God bless y'all. Jesus is...

I've been waiting to write this one...
L-O-V-E... Most abused word ever if you ask me. How guys throw it at the girls, sometimes genuinely, most times, not, because in this corrupt world and age, they seek a reciprocation from somewhere between the legs (hard fact, deal with it).

So what really is love? Like one friend said, "Wrong question. You mean: Who is love?"
1 Cor 13...
Patient, kind, not vain, humble, seeking not His own, rejoicing in truth, never failing.
Characteristics of one Man in all aspects. God is Love. Jesus, is the embodiment of love.
Because when the Son of God leaves the throne to live 33 years of humanity, ensure whips that ripped His back up and take 3 nails in His flesh, just to carry your lies and fornication among others, just so you don't go to hell, and without pay... That's LOVE.
*a condom cannot protect you from sin's consequences
*the wages of sin have not changed


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

THE LAST EVE - part 3

THE LAST EVE - part 3
What does it mean to be the bride of Christ? I was surprised when as I was listening to a sermon by Prophet Edem Julius Cudjoe I found the answer.

Proverbs 31.
Apparently it's not just a template for the ideal woman. It's a picture of God's ideal church.

Pick your Bible and read from verse 10 to 31. Everywhere you see the woman, think about the church, or better still, yourself. And any reference to her husband becomes Christ. I pray you see what I see in there.

But I'll touch on verse 23:
 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
I received this in that same meeting... Eve, you have to make your Adam known in every 'gateway' to society: the classroom, the workplace, the basketball court, the cinema... If it's a place it's included.

And if it is true that behind every great man is a great woman, then behind our great Christ should be a great church.

*This is dedicated to my inspiration for writing... Happy Birthday Elsie 😊 to the moon and back 😘*


Friday, 5 February 2016


So where was I?
Ahaa, the deceptive voice... We got that part ryt? Good. If you are lost,  check the previous post at

So why's this called the Last Eve? Simple answer really. It's because of the last Adam.
1 Corinthians 15:
45  And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit
47  The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

Jesus came as only the second ever perfect man, to live the life the first should have lived. So if the first Adam's bride was the first Eve,  allow me to call the last Adam's bride the last Eve. Fair? U get it?
Well I've done it anyway. 😝

So who's this bride? I mean, to be Jesus' bae u've got to be extra-o right? Ephesians 5:22 downwards shows us that this bride is His church, of whom you are a member if you belong to Jesus. Yeah,  we're awesome lydat 💁

Dear believer, you form a part of the last Eve. So you have to watch out for serpents in the garden. The devil has deceptions tailor-made for you... But don't worry, I'm still not done 😏
I'll be back.

Thursday, 4 February 2016


This is one of those ones where I have to lay a foundation.

We all know Adam... The first man... Gardener of Eden, lol.
Abeg, he was a lot more than a gardener. He was God's prized possession and chief of His creation.

Anyways, so the ever-wise God said, "It's not good for the man to be alone, I'll make him a helper". (Gen 2:18)

Long story short,  women came onto the scene. Wonderful Eve...  NOT  Steve. Adam was like 😍. I bet she was hot 😏, but that's a story for another day.

So after the woman shows up, a few verses later, we meet the snake. The snake never minded Adam until the woman came along... Then he went and started asking her strange questions:
Did God really say don't eat any fruit in this garden?
Then trying to defend,  rationalize and sound smart Satan chatted her into sin.
Today he asks:
Did God really say kissing before marriage is a sin? Did God really say having a bae is not the way?

Sound familiar? That voice does not deserve an answer. Don't give Satan attention. Concentrate on pleasing your Jesus.

I'm just warming up, hehehe.
Part 2 loading...

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

A Thousand Ways To Die


Proverbs 14:12 (KayO translation 😏)
There is a way which seems right to a man,  but at the end are a thousand ways to die.

The problem is this: the way we want to walk looks fine. It seems so good...  And if you actually decide not to tread it,  you might never actually know what was waiting for you at the other side. You might think missing that road was missing an opportunity when you were actually swerving death in all forms.

So how do we make sure to miss our thousand ways to die? It's actually pretty simple logic: we take the One way we are sure about... Jesus said in John 14:6:
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I mean, really, why do we live like we don't know the One who holds the future?
Bill Gates can do a lot more with a windows computer than your average person. Zuckerberg can do more with Facebook than me.
Based on similar reasoning, D.L. Moody asked a very sensible question we should all answer:

Saturday, 16 January 2016



This is my worst title choice ever, I know. I just couldn't help it.

Anyway, so the boys are around. JM said they would be coming, and true true, ampa ni ampara, anokwale anokwale ɔmo aba.

But the way Ghanaians are talking chaw (with good reason tho), I wouldn't feel fine staying here if I was one of them. I don't like to be where I'm not welcome.

Now, Mr. or Ms. Christian, you probably know, the government of Heaven has brought someone to live with you. He's called the Holy Spirit... And if you don't feel Him in any way, there's a chance you are making Him feel unwelcome.

When your speech is offensive to Him, and your life pretty much screams leave me alone, and "get out of my country", congratulations, you've made the Lord of Heaven feel like a Guantanamo detainee in Ghana. He won't leave cos He promised to stay. But as for His work in your life? Well, I'd hate to be you.

Wise up, live like you are accommodating Heaven's ambassador, cos you are.


Maybe you've noticed, I haven't written in a while.
Even now I'm wondering what to write, so I decided to call up the big guns... My Notes The stuff I think are worth remembering, cos great men thought they were worth sharing.

Here's the first of many to come:
This floored me. I was shocked. How often do we chase the miracles, the big names and big titles. When I heard the title Major Prophet the first time I laughed. I'm not saying their bad people, I'm just wondering who I have to kill to become one (please don't take that literally, lol).

Back to the matter (no Shata Wale): Jesus said good trees bear food fruit and bad trees, bad fruit. So sit down, think about who you follow, and assess. Paul said, follow me as I follow Christ.

Who do you follow... Who do they follow?
As for me, I'll follow Jesus.
Oh yeah, and follow our instagram page at:

I was talking about following, wasn't I? ��

Tuesday, 12 January 2016



If your home has ever been burgled or robbed then you should know that feeling where everyone comes around and starts to give their opinions on how you could have kept the thief out. There's only one problem: It's too late... your stuff is long gone.

All you are left with is the anger,  that sick feeling and the questions: Why didn't I lock the door? What if I got home earlier? How come I didn't hide my money?

Now let's expand this on the canvas of eternity, with this backdrop:
You don't have a spare life... You are not Mario.

Jesus said in John 10:10  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.

One day you'll die, or Jesus will return, whichever comes first. Then we'll know those who were victims of the thief and those who outsmarted him by taking the only other option, Christ. Don't wait to find yourself asking what-ifs...
What if I listened to the preacher?
What if I took KayO's message seriously? Blah blah... Too late.

2 things are involved. Heaven or hell. But Jesus still saves. Choose wisely... Surrender. ��
