Tuesday, 30 June 2015



Back in Motown we had this big athletics oval. And every year before athletics it had to be marked out. So the juniors would come in houses and scratch away at the dirt with sticks and cutlasses till the markings of the track lanes were quite obvious. That's a loooooot of scratching. Then they'd pour lime into the lines to make them more obvious. No, not the fruit , the white powder... Calcium Hydroxide (to the chemistry students).

Again that's a looooot of lime, but pouring the lime is faster than scratching the lines. Trust me, I've done both.

Now let's shift our attention to battle lines. Before a battle commanders arrange their soldiers in certain formations... Battle lines are drawn. Now I don't know how that's done, all I know is it's done, and if my experience with lines in high school taught me anything, it's that marking out is the hard part, and drawing the line visibly is quicker.

So what am I talking about?
Have patience ...
To be continued...

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