Saturday, 23 September 2017

We Are Moving

We're moving!

Everybody gets tired somewhere along the line in any good venture. It’s hardly ever intentional… it’s just a natural “distin”. But any wise man knows not to stay tired (or lazy) for too long. Life will go on with or without you… and being left out sucks.
And so, (drumroll please), KayO’s Blog is back!!! I’d say bigger and better, but I have no idea what I’ll be writing, lol. So let’s just wait and see.
Here’s what you can expect from the get-go tho:
  1. We’re moving to our own website! Yhup! No more Google Blogger stuff. Catch us at:
  2. Your favourite posts will be reblogged intermittently, so that we can at least get some of that good old wine.
  3. New section. 

What’s the use of moving a blog from a blogging platform to a full website if all you’ll continue to do is just blogging? Nah, some extra distins will be there. It's been fun here, see you at our new website! Just hit the link.
And so I hereby declare the KayO blog rebooted!!!! [insert applause here]
