A Message to Finalists - part 1
They say the grave is the wealthiest place on earth, because there are so many untapped resources buried there: books never written, songs never sung, tools never invented, etc. Every man who ever died had something(s) to offer this earth, which he either did or failed to do.
Nobody is dying any time soon in Jesus' name (can I get an Amen?), but all too soon our time in school is up. *Jesus said, "I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day. The night is coming when no man can work."*
Dear finalist, night is upon us. It's almost time to stop work... Brush up and hand in your paper.
True, we may not all have finished our God-given assignment in the university, but I hope you tried at least. Sow your last seeds of influence now if you still can.
Learn from the wasted time these past four years... Don't go through life wasting opportunities to touch lives, bless others, obey God... There are too many lives tied to yours for you to fail. Allowing yourself to fail is selfish.
There is a charge to keep. There is a God to glorify with your life.