Tuesday, 31 March 2015
A few years ago, I read something by a friend about who we are as Christians. He said people now want to be know as Christians by virtue of the fact that they don't smoke, they don't drink, they don't fornicate... blah blah blah.
But that has never been the definition of a Christian, or our identification. You can say a lot about what you are not, but please, do tell us; WHO ARE YOU!!?? When Jesus was giving us our identification He said, "They shall know you by your love" (John 13:35 paraphrased). What a shock! In fact, what a wow!!! That's it??!! Love!!?? Errr, yeah... LOVE. ( It's the foundation of the fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5:22 - it was mentioned first!!)
Christ lived out love till He died a shameful death for you. Now it's your turn to LIVE for the One who DIED for you!! And since He doesn't change (Heb 13:8), you cannot live your life (which is now His - because He bought you with His blood) any different.
So go out there and love!!! Now who are we?? I can't answer for you... Only you can, but we should be LOVE WALKING IN A BODY. May people see Christ in you in Love today. Bless you.
A statement got me thinking. Could it be that the stars, the universe, the planets... EVERYTHING, was made to point to God? That's a sure Yes!! But what does that pointing do for me?
The Bible says, " The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19:1-3
You can't tell me you've never had to gasp at the beauty of a sunset, or marvelled at how the stars come out to play at night, or stared and stared at a rainbow... In fact, every corrupt and dead appreciation of nature's beauty is influenced by the enemy.
Abraham Lincoln said, " I can see how it might be
possible for a man to look
down upon the earth and be
an atheist, but I cannot
conceive how a man could
look up into the heavens and
say there is no God."
Psalm 19 tells us that no matter the language you speak, when you look up, YOU WILL KNOW. And here's a beautiful revelation for you to catch: Every time you think of that Artist, that Creator any higher, every time you exalt Him, knowing that His hands that formed you formed Jupiter and Mars, He draws you ever closer. He put it this way;
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (Jn 12:32)
Oh the promises He hides in His word... So take a moment, look up, and bless Yahweh, who put the stars up there just to make sure you could find Him in this dark world. God loves you, YES YOU!!
✌😌 KayO
The Lazy Song
The sunlight streaming into the room woke him up. This wasn't normal. He usually woke up a great while before day to pray. But not today. He had looked ahead. It was too messy, too bloody, too sickening. It made him queasy, uneasy. And to carry that weight for this ungrateful bunch? Nah, he'd rather not.
So with a sigh he rolled over in bed and begun to sing to himself, 🎶"Today I don't feel like doing anything,... I just wanna lay in my bed. Don't feel like picking up a cross..."🎶
And just like that we lost. The 2nd Adam gave up on us and died a happy old man 😊. We were left in sin, which would ultimately drag us to hell. The end!!
Good story? Heavens no! 😱
We thank God Jesus took that cross, those nails, that spear, those thorns, slaps and spit. Because you need to realize, no death: no resurrection, no blood: no glory, no cross: no story. And that's Grace for us, because we never deserved His sacrifice.
✌😎 KayO
You know the stuff is good. I've been dabbing it from On High, lol. Enjoy.
I'll do my best to intersperse old posts with the newer ones... For the benefit of those who've been missing all these months.
God grant me Grace. Today's follows right after.
Drop your comments 😉
✌😋 KayO